Bethel Temple Apostolic Church

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The Resort of Prayer

Acts 16:13: And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side, where prayer was wont to be made; and we sat down, and spake unto the women which resorted thither. 

The Lord's Day (Sabbath)

In past generations most folks observed a day of service to God by going to the church house. It used to be commonplace that one day each week was highlighted by the fulfillment of an obligation to God out of personal devotion and godly fear. Sadly, the practice of church attendance is waning in America. Jews observe the sabbath as a sacred day and in modern times Sunday is recognized as church day. 

What day do you give to God?

In this account from the book of Acts, Paul and Luke sought for a place to worship and pray on the Sabbath day. They were strangers traveling to an unfamiliar city, but they knew they needed to fulfill their service to God.

A Place of Prayer

A group of women in the city of Philippi had an established practice to pray in a certain place by the river.  The discipline of prayer demands a dedicated place. Jesus taught that when we pray, we were to go into our private place and shut the door (Matthew 6). Over time a place becomes a meeting point between God and man.

Where is your place of prayer?

Prayer was Wont to be Made

Wont is not a misspelling. "Wont" means to hold by custom or usage.  It also can refer to an expectation. There was a call, recognized by the writer Luke, to pray by the river side.  When you arrived at this place, you would have heard the sounds of people praying. You would have felt compelled to pray yourself.  It was as if God had the appointment on his schedule to meet with this group of believers at this place and time.

Have you ever felt compelled to pray? Do you sense when prayer is "wont" to be made?

The Resort of Prayer

Perhaps it is a play on the word “resort”, but this group of early believers found rest, comfort, and a place of repair for the soul. The river side became their frequent place of gathering because their souls found strength in the results of their prayers. Nothing soothes the inner man like communion with God.

How long has it been since you were greatly refreshed by a season of prayer?