Bethel Temple Apostolic Church

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The Most Valuable Treasure

In our world there is an extreme scarcity of the most valuable treasure anyone can possess.  Curiously, this scarcity is not due to a short supply and the treasure can be easily discovered by those who search for it.  Those who find it say it’s everything their soul ever desired. This treasure is the truth. 

In Proverbs 23:23 the Bible tells us,” Buy the truth, and sell it not.”  John 17:17 says,” Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”  Therefore, the truth we should buy and never sell is the Word of God. It is immensely valuable above everything in this world. In John 8:32, Jesus said,” And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” This truth liberates us from the power of sin and allows us to live in harmony with our Creator. It also brings the promise of eternal life in Heaven with God.

How can we buy the truth? First, we find the truth in the Bible. We actually buy the truth and obtain its benefits and experience its power when we receive the Word of God into our hearts and obey it. The price may seem expensive, but truth is a bargain at any cost. It will be the only thing of value when this life is over.