1st Annual Convention & Bible Conference 1932
1st Annual Convention and Bible Conference 1932
Come! Come! Come!
—to the—
450 3rd Avenue West, Twin Falls
November 20th, 1932
Convention and Bible Conference. We are looking for Great things from Heaven. We will have a real feast from Heaven. We will be fed of the finest of the wheat and honey out of the rock. Psalms 81:16
There are many things in the Bible people would like to know. Our prayer is to God, in this Conference of the Bible that we will make to them very pain by the help of God.
There will be Ministers from different states and also Saints. Our confidence and faith is in God, that he will do mighty things in our midst.
There will be meetings day and night. Preaching and Praying all night.
Come and be fed and fill your souls with the Manna from Heaven.
Are you sick? Come and get healed. Are you weak Spiritually? Come get strong. Are your hungry for more of God? Come to be filled.
God is doing mights things for His people in Twin Falls, Idaho. He is blessing us and He is gathering His children together and bringing them into Hid fold.
You are Welcome and do not miss this Message to you from Heaven, as we know Jesus is coming soon.
Room and Board Free!
For further information write to Elder B. M. David, 458 3rd Ave. West, Twin Falls, Idaho. Telephone 1174