Bethel Temple Apostolic Church

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What Everyone Needs

Romans 14:17: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. 

There are several things we need to exist.  There are other things that add quality to life. We generally know how to obtain daily necessities as they are readily available in our society.  We cultivate relationships, and pursue interests that help make life more complete.  In short, there are ways and means to acquire many necessities and niceties of life.

Sometimes it seems, however, that inner requirements are more difficult to meet.  Provision for physical and material needs, along with occasional enjoyment of friends, family, and recreation, are often reminders of deeper desires unfulfilled.  The soul’s longing to have things right with God, ourselves, and others, along with the peace and joy that follows, cannot be satisfied in everyday, ordinary venues.  This is why so many are disillusioned, confused, and frustrated.  Some are weary with religion, bored with success, unhappy in relationships, and afraid of the future.  Medication may help one to live with their condition, but cannot provide lasting inner peace.  The good intentions of loving friends and family to encourage, only afford temporary respite.  The high of a  momentary thrill or accomplishment soon bottoms out in deeper depression.

Yet, these deep-seated longings are easily obtainable if we know where to look. The Apostle Paul knew from his own experience that a clear conscience, inner tranquility, and calm delight, are known only in the life indwelled by the Spirit of God.

In Acts 2:38, Peter told those who were interested, how they could be filled with the Holy Ghost.  In verse 39, he gave hope to all who desire to receive this gift of the Spirit.  God is still giving His Spirit to those who ask and obey Him (Luke 11:13, Acts 5:32).

Ephesians 5:18: And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Acts 19:1: … Have you received the Holy Ghost?